Next Gen Sequencing Services

Since December 2009, AITbiotech is the first singapore commercial company who offers the next generationg sequencing (NGS) service utilizing Applied Biosystems SOLiD (Sequencing by Oligonuceotide Ligation and Detection) platform. NGS represents a quantum leap throughput with drastic reduction in cost-per-base efficiencies compared to previous sequencing technologies. AITbiotech offers bioinformatics services in assemblies, alignment as well as analysis of sequenced read to customers. 

The SOLiD System is a highly accurate, massively parallel next-generation sequencing platform that supports a wide range of applications. The flexibility of two independent flow cells and multiplexing capability allow you to conduct multiple experiments in a single run. With unparalleled throughput and greater than 99.94% basecalling accuracy, the SOLiD System enables you to complete large-scale sequencing and tag experiments more cost effectively than previously possible.

Ultra High Throughput  

The SOLiD System generates 100+ gigabases per run. This level of throughput enables large scale resequencing and tag based experiments to be completed more cost effectively.


Accuracy greater than 99.94%, due to 2 base encoding, the SOLiD System distinguishes itself by providing data that is significantly more accurate than alternative next-generation platforms for variation detection. 2 Base encoding enables unique error checking capability, providing higher confidence in each call. With the SOLiD System, scientists can focus on the biological significance of their results rather than sifting through poor quality data.


The SOLiD System open slide format and flexible bead densities enable increases in throughput with modest analysis, protocol and chemistry optimizations.
While competitive technologies are already near maximum throughput, the SOLiD System is scalable to meet your research needs today and tomorrow utilizing the same platform.


The independent flow cell configuration of the SOLID Analyzer enables you to run two completely independent experiments in a single run ssentially providing 2 instruments in one. The combination of multiple slide configuration and sample multiplexing capability enables you to cost-effectively analyze multiple samples cost effectively for a variety of applications.

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