Plasmid production

  1. Strategic Design - In the process of strategic design for cloning, the initial step involves optimizing the cloning strategy, including the selection of appropriate restriction enzymes and vectors, as well as designing primers for gene amplification, while simultaneously optimizing PCR conditions.
  2. Sample Prep - Subsequently, DNA sample preparation follows, encompassing tasks like DNA extraction, PCR gene amplification, and DNA fragment purification.
  3. Enzyme Digestion - Afterward, the DNA fragments undergo digestion by restriction enzymes, a process that can be automated with robotic pipetting systems.
  4. Ligations - These digested fragments are then ligated to a compatible vector using an automated ligation reaction, facilitated by systems like robotic pipetting or liquid handling robots.
  5. Transformation - The ligated DNA is subsequently transformed into competent cells via automated electroporation systems, using specialized equipment such as electroporators or microfluidic devices.
  6. Plating - The transformed cells find their place on selective media through an automated plating system such as the QPix® Microbial Colony Picker, promoting the growth of recombinant colonies.
  7. Picking and Screening - These colonies are then automatically picked and screened by our QPix® microbial colony picker.
  8. Sequencing – Clones passing the screening phase are subjected to automated DNA sequencing to affirm the successful cloning of the desired DNA fragment.
  9. Data Analysis - This sequencing data is then analyzed using automated software tools, which not only identify but also annotate the cloned DNA fragments and their sequences.
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